

Every pupil is encouraged to become confident and proficient in all aspects of Mathematics. As a core subject at GCSE, strong focus is placed on enshrining a love and understanding of numeracy in each year with a summative momentum towards the exams in Year 11.

Maths Enrichment

Maths is the subject enrichment focus in the second half of the Autumn Term as a part of The Kingswood House Way initiative.

During this time, we inspire a love of learning and offer extension opportunities (even more than usual) in order to cultivate mastery.

In the Maths department we know that some children are visual learners, some are auditory learners and some prefer a more kinaesthetic approach. We therefore try to combine all methods of learning so that all favoured approaches are catered to. We aim to foster a love for learning mathematics and to develop an ability to problem solve and learn independently.

We also understand that there are literally thousands of methods for solving mathematical problems so we will persevere until we find a method that each child can understand and remember in the future.

Wherever possible we enforce the learning and understanding using practical activities which we have found help most children with their retention and ability to recall information in exams.

Maths is taught by class teachers in Lower Prep and then by subject specialist teachers from Year 5. The latest resources support learning including interactive touchscreen TV’s and iPads.

Open Mornings Autumn Term 2024

The next opportunity to meet our new Head Matthew Bryan and tour the school will be on Friday 27th September 9am – midday or Saturday 28th 9-11am


Please contact Mrs Ashton 01372 723590 with any enquiries