

The Kingswood House uniform is an important part of our history and heritage. It unites us as a school and a strong emphasis is placed upon presentation at all times.

Pupils should wear the correct school uniform during term time, in school hours and on special occasions such as Speech Day, Sports Day or the Carol Service. In the summer term, members of school cricket teams may travel home in white cricket kit plus blazer.

Each article of clothing including shoes, trainers and personal belongings such as watches must be clearly marked. The School does not accept any responsibility for lost articles of clothing when not clearly marked.

All Kingswood House School uniform is obtainable from Lester Bowden in Epsom. The new online shop, hosted by Stevensons stocks all current uniform and is available for you to register with and start ordering.

There is a second-hand uniform shop at the School that is run by one of the parents and sales are held termly and advertised in the school calendar. Please mark all items for sale with your name and address and a price and hand in to the School Office. Twenty per cent of all sales will be donated to the KHA.

Please see the lists below as required.

UNIFORM Rules – general 2023-24

Uniform Visual Catalogue for September 2024 onwards






Open Mornings Autumn Term 2024

The next opportunity to meet our new Head Matthew Bryan and tour the school will be on Friday 27th September 9am – midday or Saturday 28th 9-11am


Please contact Mrs Ashton 01372 723590 admissions@kingswoodhouse.org with any enquiries